Sometimes, it's the little things that create life-changing moments...
Before this past Christmas Deryk, my husband, and I were in Boston Pizza and I was drawn to this one person and her son as soon as they came in. I can’t describe it, it could only be felt. Deryk said to me “Helen can you not just shut off your brain and focus on supper just for once; just us this one time.”
I agreed and continued with our supper. I couldn’t help but read the room, see how others looked over at her table and how alone and exhausted she looked. I so desperately just wanted to go and sit with them, ask them to join us, just simply be with her.
As we left, I looked over to her, and she didn’t look at me, she had her head down and was avoiding any contact with anyone in the restaurant.
My heart cracked.
Deryk and I get in the truck and he doesn’t start it right away and it’s a week

before Christmas so it’s freezing cold. He looks at me and says ‘Babe, you need to go back in there, I know you do. I’ll wait here.’
I went in and I was feeling emotional and knew that wasn’t what she needed so I just handed her a little pocket of sunshine with my contact information, touched her arm and said,
"None of us are meant to do any of this alone."
That was all I could muster up without tears. She smiled and cried … I did too.
A few days later, I received a voicemail from that Mom expressing how grateful she was for that interaction and for me reaching out. The message was so moving so I recorded it with my phone but deleted the message. I didn’t realize that she had not left her phone number in the message, and I had deleted the call on the phone so I had no way of knowing how to get a hold of her. All I knew was her and that she had gone to Boston in Fort Saskatchewan that one time.
Then, in February I get it referral from FSCD. I phone the family and the person on the other end says,
"I’m not sure if you remember me or not but I met you in Boston pizza!"
I couldn’t even speak.
A few nights ago I did a home visit with her so we can get started on services.
As I walk in and sit at their dining room table, I look up and see … the chalkboard that depicts what I feel to my core … It’s the little things.
So grateful for our chance encounter and connection. Excited to SHINE On with this family!
When I asked the family if I could share this story she said,
“Yes, it might inspire others to do the same thing you did. I was so in need of the support you gave me that day, it gave me hope that someone else understood.”
I really think she's right.
